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Heather McDermid

Change is in the Air - Fall Wellness

“Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop.” -Rumi

Fall is a time of movement and change, characterized by unstable weather patterns, with cold and drying winds.  According to Ayurveda, Fall is Vata season, the Vata Dosha being comprised of air and space with the qualities cool, dry, light, windy and rough.  Vata is often referred to as the “wind” in the body.  Our body reflects what’s happening in nature, so we may be more prone to experiencing excess “wind” qualities such as restlessness, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, joint pain, general stiffness, bloating, gas, constipation and dry skin this time of year.

We achieve balance in body and mind by bringing in the opposing qualities to our daily lifestyles. We focus on invoking elements of earth, fire and water which have qualities of slowness, warmth, moisture, heaviness to balance Vata.

The following are ways we can counteract Vata’s affects:

  • Eat foods that are warming, fresh and well-cooked. Soups and stews are wonderful in the fall. Focus on the fall harvest vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, parsnips, beets and winter squashes and cooked cold-weather greens such as kale and swiss chard.

  • Cook with warming spices such as cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cumin, fennel, salt

  • Stay hydrated by drinking warm water, teas throughout the day. Stay away from cold or iced drinks.

  • Take time to relax, reduce commitments, slow down as much as possible

  • Develop a fall rhythm, stick to a routine. Be it exercise, nutrition or self-care, Vata is pacified by steadiness and consistency.  As you create a daily balancing routine that nourishes your mind, body, and spirit, you will find yourself feeling more energized and centered in the months to come.     

  • Establish regular mealtimes, avoid skipping mealtimes. 

  • Get enough rest, and nap if needed. Stay committed to a set wake up time and earlier bedtime.  

  • For your Yoga practice, focus on calming and grounding postures such as Tree pose, Warrior II, Forward Bend and Child’s Pose.

  • Learn to meditate for an over-active Vata mind, meditation will help you find that calm and stillness.

Fall Wellness

Fall is an important time of year to prepare the body for the coming cold months. Just like you may feel an urge to clean and declutter your home before Winter, it’s equally important to prepare your body. In order to transition smoothly and keep your health on track, I've created two programs I'm excited to share with you. You have the power to radically shift the way you feel!

A Fall Ayurvedic Cleanse is optimal as it clears out accumulated toxins in the organs and blood, and prepares the body for storing nourishment in the deep tissue layers to sustain your health and energy throughout the winter. If a Fall Cleanse is something you would like to learn more about (sometime in October is best, before the snowfall) please check out my program here:

Fall into Wellness - a 30 day online program is a great opportunity to renew a commitment to yourself, to make better choices to improve your physical, mental and emotional well-being. We'll keep it simple and get you focused to create sustainable enjoyable daily routines. You will be supported to eat cleaner, move better, and sleep deeper. As well you will receive access to yoga practices geared for season. And it's free right now for a limited time! 

Here's a delicious and healthy recipe to try for Fall:

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal



·        1/3 cup oats, regular rolled oats

·        3/4 cup water

·        1 tsp olive, ghee or coconut oil

·        1" cinnamon stick

·        2 cardamon pods (optional)

·        1 tbsp raisins, 1 chopped date, 1 chopped dried fig

·        ½ or 1 small apple – peeled and chopped finely

·        2 tbsp pecans, roughly chopped

Lightly toast pecans in dry skillet a few minutes.

Heat oil in pot on low and add cinnamon stick (if using) for a few minutes or until fragrant.  Add oats, stir and toast for up to 1 minute.   Add water and other ingredients, bring to a boil, then turn down to low, cover and cook for 10 - 12 minutes.  Remove any whole spices if using.

Serve with maple syrup and pecans.



Heather McDermid


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